And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8
At Trinity, we are passionate about showing the love of Jesus as we serve others and take the Good News down the street and around the world. We participate in and support numerous missions and outreach projects locally and around the world.
Our church also supports several mission organizations around the globe.
Check out some of the different areas that we are most heavily involved in.
Trinity members are serving as volunteers with Arise2read at Cordova Elementary, as volunteers and tutors at Brinkley Heights Urban Academy, and as volunteers at Crosslink Memphis.
Our church also supports several mission organizations around the globe.
Check out some of the different areas that we are most heavily involved in.

Some of the Places We Serve:
Trinity Kids Camp
Every summer, Trinity is ecstatic to host a Kids Camp in our premises. Kids Camp is a wonderful opportunity for kids 2 yo.-5th grade to come learn about Jesus and have tons of fun. There are so many opportunities to serve and get involved. Consider serving at Kids Camp this year. There is no greater joy that helping a little child experience the love of Jesus and His church.

Justice and Mercy International
Justice and Mercy is an organization that exists to make justice personal for the poor, the orphaned and the forgotten of the world. JMI primarily works in Moldova in Eastern Europe and in the Amazon region of Brazil and we do our work through programs that have the Good News of Jesus at their core.
JMI programs usually fall into one of the following categories:
Crisis/Family Care— emergency food relief, medical care, provision of clean water, etc.
Pastoral Training & Equipping—includes training and equipping indigenous pastors to take their ministries further and impact more people with the gospel.
Vulnerable Child/Teen Care—JMI offers sponsorship opportunities at various levels for children and teens in Moldova and the Amazon. We also have sponsorship programs uniquely designed to assist children with special needs whose families are trying to survive.
Church Mobilization (Mission Trips)—JMI mobilizes U.S. churches to go and serve the precious people we serve in Moldova and the Amazon and gives customized opportunities for these churches to make long-lasting, life-giving relationships in these poverty-stricken areas.
JMI programs usually fall into one of the following categories:
Crisis/Family Care— emergency food relief, medical care, provision of clean water, etc.
Pastoral Training & Equipping—includes training and equipping indigenous pastors to take their ministries further and impact more people with the gospel.
Vulnerable Child/Teen Care—JMI offers sponsorship opportunities at various levels for children and teens in Moldova and the Amazon. We also have sponsorship programs uniquely designed to assist children with special needs whose families are trying to survive.
Church Mobilization (Mission Trips)—JMI mobilizes U.S. churches to go and serve the precious people we serve in Moldova and the Amazon and gives customized opportunities for these churches to make long-lasting, life-giving relationships in these poverty-stricken areas.
Brinkley Heights
For several years, Trinity has partnered with Brinkley Heights in their food pantry ministry. This ministry provides a 3 day emergency food supply for individuals and families in need. We have several Trinity members who volunteer on a regular basis at the Brinkley Heights Food Pantry. To help provide much needed food, Trinity has started “One a Month” to help collect those items most often needed. Each month, we collect one food item for the month and we are asking that you bring 1 can/jar of that item every Sunday in that month. It's the smallest things that make the greatest impact.

Youth Villages
Youth Villages is dedicated to helping emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and teens and their families live successfully through a variety of means. One of their greatest tools is volunteers who love kids and want to see them become all who God created them to be. Trinity's deacons facilitate month fellowships with our local Youth Villages facilities, if you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.
Other Missions Opportunities
Trinity ESL Program - Memphis and especially Cordova has become a multicultural community, Learning English is essential for surviving and thriving here, Volunteer teachers from our church offer several levels of English as a Second Language classes. They meet Mondays and Thursdays, afternoon and evening.
Crosslink Memphis - equips Christian medical teams and charity clinics with medical supplies, reading glasses, and affordable medicines. These teams offer relief and hope to people all around the world through medicine and the Gospel of Jesus. Several Trinity members volunteer at Crosslink helping to organize supplies. They also serve as volunteers at the annual golf tournament fund raiser.
Brinkley Heights Urban Academy provides a high-quality Christian education to young people in the Brinkley Heights area of Memphis. “The vision is to develop strong Christian men and women who will plant themselves and their families in this community and take up the challenge to reclaim the streets of their community.” Several Trinity members have served as tutors to the children. Others are volunteers in the library.

Alpine Village
Every year, Trinity is transformed into a Christmas Alpine Village. Visit the shops, play in the snow, take a trip to the North Pole, and much much more.
Trinity’s next presentation of Alpine Village will be held in December 2024!
Trinity’s next presentation of Alpine Village will be held in December 2024!